Ram Krishna Tamang has been working in the trekking field since 2010. He is efficient to manage the official works in a better way. He is experienced in the related post. He is qualified in various types of official works such as making Tims card, permit and providing general services to guests. He is sociable and good behaved person. So, he treats every guest as a god.
Ram Krishna is a young energetic Nepali citizen. He has a great devotion in tourism industry. So he can fulfill his duties and responsibilities professionally. He joined in HIGHER LIMITS TREK & EXPEDITION in 2009 as Office Manager after taking 2 years experience on the same post at reputed company. He is happy for his job & enjoys it to the hilt. He comes in tourism field to do something with positive view. He has a good knowledge about office management.
Ram Krishn possesses the capacity to manage functions relating to official work very effectively, so those Higher Limits management teams are satisfied. He is also pleased with us and feels proud to be the member of Higher Limits.